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Mixed media installatie, 2023
Geexposeerd in: Minerva Fine Art Graduation show 'FUTURE' 2023
Pictura Groningen `In Line Out of Sight; In Sight Out of Line' 2023
Grasnapolsky, Scheemda, 'de Kunstsmederij' 2024

“TELEVISION MAN IS CRAZY “ is an ode to who i was, a momentum of who i am and a start of who i will be as an artist. Its about the ecstatic wonders of being an artist and my undying love for the profession itself. This comes with the task of drowning out old regressive ideals and ideas and the forming and forging of new ways. It doesn’t come from a perspective of anger, but utter confusion, love and lust for all that can, will and won’t ever be created. It comes from a place of
What the fuck am i even doing?- -I’m having so much fun.
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